
At Craig Allen Law we offer a wide range of litigation services to clients facing disputes that may lead to court proceedings or administrative tribunal hearings.

The types of cases we handle on a regular basis include the following:


Personal Injury

Injuries caused by dog bites, slip and falls and motor vehicle accidents, cause significant financial losses, not to mention a lifetime of pain and suffering. We specialize in recovering compensation for those injured by the fault or neglect of others.



Medical Malpractice

No area of personal injury law is more complicated than medical malpractice. The law requires that an injured person prove “fault causing loss”. Not only must you prove that a doctor provided you with substandard care, but you must prove that it ultimately caused your loss. Our job is to explain the hurdles that you face when deciding whether to sue a hospital or doctor, and formulate a plan that best protects your interests should you decide to proceed with legal action.



Wrongful Dismissal

Employees are routinely terminated without receiving proper notice or payment of monies in lieu of notice. Some are even terminated without any notice at all because their employer has manufactured allegations of “just cause”. In other situations the employer creates an intolerable work environment with the hope that the employee “quits”. These terminations are all wrongful and yet the non-unionized employee has no recourse to any grievance/arbitration process. We can help by prosecuting a claim for damages in a civil action or commencing a Human Rights complaint for discrimination or harassment in the workplace.



Claims Against Police

Traditional claims against police include actions for false imprisonment, wrongful arrest and excessive use of force. But the justice system is not always fair and those involved in the system can make mistakes. The Supreme Court of Canada recently recognized the tort of negligent investigation. In some circumstances, people are charged with crimes when there exist no reasonable or probable grounds. Witnesses may lie. Detectives may conduct inadequate investigations relying on flawed forensic evidence. Prosecutors may have tunnel vision. Even if the charges are ultimately withdrawn by the Crown Attorney the damage may already have been done. Lives can be destroyed and reputations ruined when charges appear in the newspaper or on television. In some cases, we can recover damages for the non-physical injuries suffered by the innocent party as well as recovery special damages including costs incurred to hire a criminal defence lawyer.



Enforcing Civil Judgments

Obtaining a court judgment sometimes is a hollow remedy. You have succeeded and yet the defendant is not prepared to pay willingly the damages ordered by the judge. Collecting is an important part of the civil justice process. We will continue to take steps to collect any amount of money ordered to be paid by a civil court or tribunal.



Estate Litigation

The unfortunate reality is that people often fight over the assets of an estate after the death of a loved one. A carefully drafted will can reduce disputes but never eliminate them entirely. When someone dies without a will, family members can often disagree about a number of issues, including, who should be appointed to represent the estate. There may be individuals who have not been named as beneficiaries in a will and yet can make claims against the estate for support. We are able to assist in areas when litigation is unavoidable.